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We have founded the Goethe Graduate Student Association in Economics (GUSA) as an information sharing platform for MSc and PhD students in Economics, Finance and Law. On one side, the platform should allow program participants to identify fellow students across years with similar research interest, as well as to stimulate discussion and possible co-work. On the other, we want to give external and interested-in-applying colleagues the opportunity to have a look into student profiles, their fields of interest and their cultural and educational background, so as to allow for a clearer picture when applying for the PhD or MSc tracks offered in Frankfurt.

Brown Bag Seminar

Next presentation: October 20th, Chicago (HoF).

Sebastian Schmidt

Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policy under Discretion and the Zero Nominal Interest Rate Bound

Keywords: Nonlinear monetary policy, Nonlinear fiscal policy, zero lower bound on nominal interest rates, Stochastic model

The graduate pre-semester courses take place in September and October 2011. Download course material

Important : Please note that also for some of the first-year work you will be needing MATLAB. It is highly recommended that you dispose of at least the student version of it when starting the program.

Campus Westend Cocktailbar , 6pm

The Gatherings resume as soon as the winter semester starts.